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작성자 사진Soojin Woo

Website development :: Final

Website Link:

1. Index page

Click over there to go to 'main' page

2. Main

3. About

In this page, you could know about us.

4. Adopting

You can adopt your Dog in this page.

In this page you could see dog's information waiting to be adopted.

5. Adoption Review

It this page we could share information about adoption and we check whether they are taking care of dogs well.

6. Mong's School

Provide free essential class for our user about Dogs

7. Magazine

Through our magazine, we'll be able to gather donation.

Through our magazine, we wanted to let people know about seriousness of abandoning dogs.

8. Q&A

In here, you can literally share any information about dogs.

9. Game

10. Sign up & Log in

• Developed website to increase adoption rate for abandoned dogs and improve negative perceptions about them. • With my own idea about this project, i recruited team members.

Achievements ▶ I was able to learn and experience about how to handle

HTML/CSS/JavaScript/Django/Python/PostgreSQL/AWS/Git/Github in a short period. ▶ I used Git and GitHub for team collaboration ▶ Practicing Agile - Stand Up Meetings for Team Communication - One Week Sprints ▶ Learned how to promote my idea efficiently and creatively

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