What is TNR?
TNR is a safe method of trapping stray cats, which is currently the most effective and humanely controlling populations of stray cats. After neutering them we release them back to their caught locations.
Why is TNR important?
Capturing and killing stray cats is not only inhumane, but it is definitely not a way which reflects the characteristics of stray cats. To regard this characteristics, if you kill all stray cats in one area, stray cats in the other area will take up the empty areas again. This is called a vacuum effect.
Therefore TNR should prevent repeated births, and the proper number of stray cats should be secured to prevent the inflow of other stray cats from other regions. This is the way how to effectively and appropriately control the population.
If you are feeding them, you should also proceed with TNR. Because stray cats are territorial animals, the number of stray cats in a region will not increase indefinitely. But if you feed them, stray cats can gather to some extent. And it could make your neighbors' to complain. In this point, TNR can prevent conflicts with neighbors caused by the increased number of stray cats.
And people who feed them are grasping the population, gender ratios, health conditions, and age of stray cats living in the area. So they can maximize the effects of TNR. Also they can monitor whether the surgical area is recovering well, cats are living well after settled and so on. Therefore the interest and participation of citizens are paramount to ensure successful implementation of TNR.