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Term project - results report

작성자 사진: Soojin WooSoojin Woo

최종 수정일: 2019년 9월 9일

Name of project : Smart RC Car

(Bluetooth RC Car & Autonomous driving RC Car)

Participants : MinYeong Seo, Soojin Woo

<Autonomous driving RC Car>

In the case of Autonomous driving RC Car that avoids obstacles on its own, we connected the electric wire to the Dual L9110 motor driver. After turning on the power, it moved by itself shifting direction whenever obstacles were detected.

We set its barrier recognition distance at 20cm. Therefore when the car was surrounded by obstacles on all sides, it kept turning to right or left.

And obstacles that were located in below ultrasonic sensors were not well recognized.

Also in the case of the autonomous driving RC car, the circuit was not easy to connect. Especially we had to write the code, after double checking pin numbers.

<Bluetooth RC Car>

For a Bluetooth RC car that can be controlled by a mobile phone, we connected an electric wire to the motor of motor driver shield on the Aduino Uno. Then connect the Bluetooth module and the BlueTooth Serial Controller app under the condition that we use the same Wi-Fi as your phone.

Before connecting, we programmed the app so that RC car can be controlled through left, right, forward, and reverse buttons.

Warning: The code has to be uploaded after removing the bluetooth from the board.

Motor connection of autonomous driving RC car

Motor connection of Bluetooth RC car




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